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Next StoryWinning with Willow
Pet Parent: Elise
Pet: Willow (dog)
Elise made a promise to herself that her first dog would be rescued or adopted. While doing her research, she found that the greyhound breed was perfect for her lifestyle.
“I saw Willow’s profile on the Greyhounds As Pets (GAP) website and enquired about her on Monday, and by Sunday, she was home with us. I read her profile and immediately knew she was the one for us. Her sweet personality and ability to coexist with a smaller dog were what appealed to us the most,” said Elise.
“I would say the biggest adjustment she made was learning to accept affection. She used to be quite reserved and never sought out attention, but now she snuggles her head into your body and throws herself at you…there are no words to describe how fulfilling it is to see a timid dog realise what unconditional love is and know that she will always have a warm bed to sleep in at night,” said Elise.
Elise has fielded lots of questions about adopting a greyhound, and recognised that a lot of people misunderstand a greyhound’s personality.
Elise said, “Most people I’ve met have asked what it’s like to own a greyhound and how I manage to exercise such a high-maintenance dog, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”
“Greyhounds aren’t usually the first breed people consider when looking for a dog, but I can almost guarantee that there’s a greyhound out there for everyone. Whether you’re looking for an active greyhound to take hiking or compete in dog sports, one to bring to schools to interact with children, or even a companion for when you can’t go out much, there will be a perfect match for you.”
This is even more important to remember with the recent banning of greyhound racing – thousands will need to be rehomed.
Elise says this will be a challenge when so many people mistakenly believe they are aggressive, high-energy dogs. Elise says, “That couldn’t be further from the truth. And with so many greyhounds looking for homes, there’s bound to be one that fits your needs.”
“Not only do they look incredibly elegant and beautiful, but they also have the qualities most people want in a dog without realising it. They make great apartment pets—despite their size. And they rarely bark, too! If I could, I would have a million greyhounds. No two are the same!”